Divorce – the law and your lawyer cannot solve everything

As a family law attorney, I like to help my clients solve their family law problems.  You lost your job, we can file a Request for Order to modify support.  You want to see you child more, we can file a Request for Order to modify timeshare. But…

Post-Judgment: do’s and don’t’s

After parties reach a Judgment in their dissolution (divorce) either by trial or settlement agreement, they may not necessarily be done dealing with each other. DO’s Modification:  Parties may return to Court if circumstances change.  If a party’s salary changes and the parties cannot reach agreement on a…

Getting your holiday schedule in order

November is well underway, and with Thanksgiving approaching, it is time to take a proactive look forward to the upcoming holiday season. Many families have custody and visitation Orders that include designations regarding where children will spend each of the coming holidays. It is a good idea to…

You’re (Not) Going to Hollywood with my Child

Simon Cowell’s (of American Idol fame) girlfriend and the mother of his child-to-be, Lauren Silverman, recently finalized her divorce in New York.  Click here for details. According to news outlets, the terms of the divorce require that neither parent “talk trash” about the other parent in front of their…

Custody and Breastfeeding

In Pennsylvania, a judge recently ordered a mother to stop breastfeeding so that the father could have overnights with their 10-month old child.  Click here for the link to the story at sfgate.com. Could this happen in California?  If the parents cannot agree to a custody and visitation…

Donor Parental Rights – Florida

The Florida Supreme Court recently ruled that an egg donor has parental rights not because she was biologically related to the child but because: “The couple’s actions before and after the child’s birth — including their use of funds from their joint bank account, their statements to the…

Getting a dissolution in California is child’s play compared to getting a “get” in New York

Getting divorced is never fun.  Feelings are hurt and emotions are often raw.  The California Family Code provides a framework for couples to follow to help minimize that angst.  Religious rules and leaders can also provide structure and guidance to those who follow a particular religion. Among more…

A House Divided – Literally

A family law judge in Spain has ordered parents to divide their family home in half.  The judge found that dividing the family residence in half was in the best interest of the parents’ two daughters, ages 6 and 7.   Click here to read in today’s New York Times….

Sperm Donors = Daddy?

The California legislature is considering a bill to amend who is considered a Father.  Current law provides that a sperm donor is “treated in law as if he were not the natural father of a child thereby conceived.”  SB 115, however, would allow a sperm donor to request…

Retirement Benefits at Dissolution

In In Re Marriage of Green, Husband had served in the military for 4 years preceding his marriage to Wife. During marriage, he worked as a firefighter and was given the opportunity to purchase up to four years of service credit towards his retirement benefits (with CalPers) for…