DOMA decision not applicable to domestic partners

The Washington Post reports that “The Obama administration will not extend federal-worker benefits to domestic partners under the Supreme Court ruling that overturned part of the Defense of Marriage Act, meaning the government will treat civil unions differently than legal same-sex marriages.”

Down with DOMA: Good News and Bad News

In the Windsor decision, the Court struck down Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act (hereinafter “DOMA”) because it was an unconstitutional deprivation of the equal liberty of persons that is protected by the Fifth Amendment.  DOMA attempted to treat “those persons [in same-sex marriages] as living in marriages less…

Prop 8 – What the Supreme Court didn’t do.

In Hollingsworth v. Perry (aka the Prop 8 case), the Supreme Court allowed the District Court’s ruling to stand – striking down Prop 8.  The Court did not, however, affirm gay marriage or reach the underlying merits of the case.  The majority decision simply said that the initiative’s…

Family Law at the High Court

The United States Supreme Court issued three recent decisions that touch on family law matters: Adoptive Couple v. Baby Girl Hollingsworth v. Perry United States v. Windsor Not be out outdone, the California Supreme Court also weighed in on family law and community property issues in In re Marriage…

Mitchell K. Wunsh, Esq. Joins Ford Family Law

Ford Family Law is pleased to announce the recent hire of Mitchell K. Wunsh, Esq. as the firm’s newest associate.  Mitchell joins the firm with over 5 years of family law experience.  You can view Mitchell’s bio here.

We Are Hiring a Family Law Associate!

If you currently practice family law, or if you know someone who does, we want to hear from you!  We are looking for a family law associate with 3-5 years’ prior experience to join our busy practice.  You can find our full job posting here on our recruiter’s website,…

Kansas Supreme Court Affirms Parental Rights for Same Sex Partners

The Kansas Supreme Court issued a ruling on Friday entitling same sex partners to parental rights over children which they help raise.  The Court affirmed a lower court ruling which awarded parental rights to the non-biological mother of two children conceived through artificial insemination and raised by her…

Ineffective Assistance of Counsel

An amusing case came down from the First District Court of Appeals in late January regarding whether a Judgment may be set aside based on ineffective assistance of counsel.  In Re Marriage of Campi  was a family law matter involving a garbage collector and a homemaker who had…

It’s Tax Season Again

With the arrival of tax season, it is important that you take a few moments to consider the tax issues inherent to your dissolution case and/or Judgment for Dissolution.  In order to avoid common problems associated with filing your taxes during and after your dissolution, you should review…

The fiscal cliff deal and its impact on child support and spousal support

The amount of taxes an individual pays is one of the significant factors impacting the amount of support paid.   As a result of the fiscal cliff deal, aka the “American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012” (“The Act”),  a high earner who pays support under an existing support obligation…