Smart, strategic advice on complex family law issues — from pre-nuptial agreements before marriage to custody modification after divorce.
Ford Family Law attorneys have decades of experience counseling clients through emotional and challenging family law issues. Managing Shareholder Shane R. Ford is a Fellow of the nation’s most prestigious association of family lawyers, the American Association of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML), and a Certified Family Law Specialist. Shareholder Kelli Fernandez-Medina, who has worked with Mr. Ford for almost 23 years, has substantial experience in complex cases involving relocation issues, custody, and property and retirement plan division. Senior Counsel Yishai Boyarin is a Certified Family Law Specialist who has been practicing family law exclusively for almost 20 years. In short, Ford Family Law attorneys have handled virtually every family law matter imaginable.
Prior to marriage, clients come to Ford Family Law attorneys trying to better understand what it means to be legally married and how marriage legally impacts their current situation. Some of the most frequent questions our attorneys get include:
- How can I protect my pre-marital assets?
- Is there a way to protect my wealth without a prenuptial agreement?
- Will a marriage impact my ownership rights to an existing family business?
- What legal obligations will I have to my new spouse?
- How will my marriage affect my credit, assets, and earnings?
- How will my second marriage impact my current custody or support obligations to my former spouse?
During marriage, clients are exploring options and looking for information to assist them in making a decision — whether to get a divorce or how to protect their separate property from their spouse’s creditors, for example. Some of the most common questions that our attorneys consult on include:
- Does my spouse share in my inheritance?
- Am I responsible for my spouse’s debts?
- What does the divorce process look like?
- Will I be obligated to pay spousal support or child support?
- How long does spousal support last?
- Who gets to keep the house in a divorce?
- Will I get primary custody of our children?
- Do I get to decide where our children go to school or what medical treatment they receive?
- What kind of custody schedule will I end up with?
- What if my spouse and I can’t agree on a decision for the children – what happens then?
- Should I transfer my separate property to the community?
During the divorce process, clients contact Ford Family Law to better understand their options and likely outcomes. We regularly consult with clients who need assistance during the mediation process, who need second opinions, or who need help:
- Structuring a property and support settlement
- Evaluating the terms of a proposed settlement
- Creating a proposed custody schedule
- Devising a relocation plan
- Evaluating whether a proposed plan is likely to be approved by the Court
After divorce, clients most often retain Ford Family Law for help enforcing or modifying the terms of an existing judgment or to better understand how a new marriage, new job, or other change in circumstances impacts their existing obligations. Some of the most common questions we advise clients on include:
- I received a large year-end bonus. Does that impact how much support I have to pay?
- My former spouse is not honoring prior Court orders. What should I do?
- I just received a substantial RSU grant. Will that affect my existing support obligations?
- I discovered that my former spouse did not disclose all of their assets during our divorce. What should I do?
- I lost my job. Can I stop paying support?
- My former spouse is now living with someone else. Do I still have to pay them spousal support?
- What impact does my illness or disability have on my existing obligations to my former spouse?

DISCLAIMER: Contacting Ford Family Law, PC (“the Firm”), or any of our attorneys through our website does not create an attorney-client relationship between you and the Firm. You become a client of the Firm when (1) the Firm investigates for possible conflicts of interest that would prevent us from representing you, and (2) you sign a written engagement agreement that details the scope of the Firm’s engagement, the fee the Firm will charge, and other relevant matters. Normally, this process takes several days. Therefore, if your matter is urgent, you should not wait for our response to your inquiry. You should instead promptly find and engage another lawyer or law firm so that your rights will be protected.