Your “friends” are watching…

People today are more and more likely to share things they once kept private.  Or maybe people think it’s okay to share it only with their “friends”. Dana Snay shared private information that resulted in the loss of her father’s employment law settlement agreement.  Click here for the…

Graying Divorce

Divorce is not first and foremost about reimbursements, support, or community v. separate property.  It is about people.  All kinds of people.  National Public Radio reminded listeners yesterday that that includes Baby Boomers. The story notes: “For baby boomers, divorce has almost become, like marriage, another rite of…

The Petition – Part 2 – Statistical Facts – Date of Separation

In Section 2 of the Petition, the Petitioner lists the Date of Marriage and the Date of Separation (“DOS”).  These dates are important and can impact spousal support and the division of community property.  Most people can agree on the Date of Marriage.  But what is the DOS?…

The Petition – Part 1 – Residency

Where do you live?  That is an important and relevant question when filing for dissolution (less so if requesting a legal separation).  (See previous posting for the difference.) If you want to divorce your spouse, one of you needs to have been a resident of California for the…

The Petition – Header – what to Petition for

This blog promised (on December 9, 2013) to ” address other items found in the Petition and Response.” The Petition is available here at the California Judicial Branch website.  (If you wish to end a domestic partnership, please check here.) The Response is here. Family law proceedings can be…

Sperm Donors – Beware!

A sperm donor in Kansas, who claims he waived his parental rights in a contract with the birth mother, was found to be the presumptive father of the child, and therefore ordered to pay child support.  In the Kansas case, the donor failed to “secure the services of…

Old Country Song: Don’t Be (Illegally) Tracking My Heart

Ashley Judd thinks her sister Wynonna  has been tracking Ashley (and her Mini) with a GPS.  Click here for the story. In California, that is illegal. See Penal Code Section 637.7. Some spouses may want to catch their soon-to-be significant other doing something they shouldn’t be doing.  In the…

Supreme Court Hears Another Family Law Issue

Family law is back at the Supreme Court. This morning, the Court heard Lozano v. Alvarez, a case concerning the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction (the “Hague Convention”) and an international custody dispute. In brief, two Colombian parents had been living in England….

Name changes

Jennifer Lopez recently responded to the petition for divorce filed by her soon-to-be former spouse, Mark Anthony. In California, the response is due 30 days after being served with the petition.  However, parties can and often do agree to an alternate date.  (Be sure to have an agreement,…

Engagement Rings – Mine, yours, the devil’s?

Engagement rings are in the news this week.  The Huffington Post reports on one gentleman’s attempt to sell a used ring.  That angry seller got his ring back – but is that always the case? It depends.  Are the parties disagreeing about the ring before the marriage takes…